Τρίτη , 8 Οκτώβριος 2024
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ Όμιλος Κατράδη: New Panama Canal regulations

Όμιλος Κατράδη: New Panama Canal regulations

The Panama Canal, one of the most important trade routes in the world, has recently implemented a new regulation that prohibits the use of wire ropes in canal operations. This change is being made in an effort to increase safety and efficiency in the canal, as well as to reduce the environmental impact of shipping.

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Well-maintained mooring ropes keep the ship and her staff safe. Mooring rope replacement criteria are indications that can help you decide when to replace a worn-off rope before it breaks and potentially harms somebody during ship mooring. Read everything about the mooring rope replacement criteria that indicate a mooring rope should be retired ➡️ [pending link]

#Katradis #MaritimeIndustry #MarineRopes

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