Τετάρτη , 19 Φεβρουάριος 2025
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ BUREAU VERITAS launches certification scheme dedicated to renewable HYDROGEN

BUREAU VERITAS launches certification scheme dedicated to renewable HYDROGEN

Hydrogen | Bureau Veritas has developed a holistic certification scheme for renewable hydrogen to support the growing renewables sector and accelerate the energy transition. It will support the industry to ensure that hydrogen is produced under safe & sustainable practices, and from renewable energy sources.

Bureau Veritas is a key player in the energy industry, present at all stages of the renewable and alternative energy production chain. This certification scheme is in line with Bureau Veritas’ commitment, through its BV Green Line, to provide services and solutions that accelerate the energy transition.

By developing comprehensive expertise across the hydrogen value chain, Bureau Veritas is ready to globally support the decarbonization of all sectors for the benefit of people and the planet. Click on the link to learn more about BV’s renewable hydrogen certification scheme. https://lnkd.in/eVgTzQrH

Ulrike TherhaagDelphine DoungoussNahla Abid GribaaLaurence BoisraméMagdalena Pavlak-ChiaradiaNicolas MeyJoerg Gmeinbauer, Renato Catrib, Diego Antoniali
#ShapingaWorldofTrust #Sustainability #Certification #BVGreenLine

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