Τετάρτη , 19 Φεβρουάριος 2025
Home AGENDA DIGITAL SHIP-21th Athens Conference

DIGITAL SHIP-21th Athens Conference

Digital Ship Athens – Spring

Our Digital Ship Athens event in Spring on April 27th is where we discuss new things shipping companies are doing to move forward in how they manage their digital infrastructure, including moving to an open infrastructure and managing security at the same time. Our events in Athens are usually our largest events of the year, running continuously since 2003, including in 2021 and 2022.

We expect to hear the updates about:

How do you get the right data to the right people to help them make the right decisions.

How do you give shore side decision makers the understanding they need?

We’ll go into depth into cybersecurity, particularly into best practice for how to manage it, how to ensure your staff are well drilled in what to do following an event, what a good security operations centre should look like.  We’ll discuss how we should approach cybersecurity audits – when they may occur, what inspectors are looking for, and how to make sure you pass.



Dimitris Marselos, IT & Logistics Solutions, COSCO SHIPPING Lines (Greece)

Charalampos (Harry) Ligoutsikos, Company Security Officer / Lead Internal Auditor, Prime Tanker/Prime Gas

Matthew R. Miller, Marine Industry Principal, AVEVA

Dimitris Lyras, Managing Director, Ulysses Systems

Chara Vassiliadou, Commercial Director, CENSUS

Bill Nikolopoulos, Systems Engineering Manager, Greece, Hungary & Cyprus at Fortinet

Theodore Ioannou, Group Technical Superintendent – Maintenance Strategy, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement

Andreas Polidis, IT Advisor, Ionic Shipping


You can see information about our history in Athens, including past event agendas, presentations and photographs, at  http://www.events.thedigitalship.com/athens-archive


Call for speakers

Shipping company employees – please contact Vaida Stočkūnaitė on on vaida@thedigitalship.com / Tel +44 (0)207 017 3403

Digital technology companies – please contact Narges Jodeyri on  narges@thedigitalship.com / Tel +44 (0)20 7 017 3406


Organised by:

Platinum Sponsor


Gold Sponsor





Bronze Sponsor


Ulysses Systems

Coffee Break Sponsor


Lunch Sponsor

Promotional Sponsor



Partner Organisation

CIRMTravel Trade Athens 2023


see more: https://www.athensspring.thedigitalship.com/

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