Κυριακή , 16 Φεβρουάριος 2025
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ Η MOORE συμμετείχε στο Money Show 2023: The evolution of the Greek shipping accounting

Η MOORE συμμετείχε στο Money Show 2023: The evolution of the Greek shipping accounting


It was a great pleasure to have our own Pinelopi Kassani, presenting the evolution of Greek shipping accounting, from infancy to the full application of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) which we have witnessed first-hand, as auditors of over 1,000 vessel-owning companies. Many thanks to John Moustos, how shared his experience in the investment banking field, on how the #IFRS have added to the credibility, relevance and reliability of financial statements, making financiers more comfortable with lending funds to offshore shipping companies. Special thanks to Dionisis Politis and Maritime Economies for inviting us to make this presentation, as part of the Money Show 2023.

#Moore #MooreGreece #HelpingYouThrive


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