Τετάρτη , 9 Οκτώβριος 2024
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ Alexander Hadjipateras, (Dorian LPG): “The human element in shipping, from the perspective of the younger generation”

Alexander Hadjipateras, (Dorian LPG): “The human element in shipping, from the perspective of the younger generation”

Insider Insights Fireside Chat with Mr Alexander C. Hadjipateras and Mr Angelos Roupas Pantaleon


Mr Alexander Hadjipateras, SEVP, Dorian LPG (USA), LLC and MD, Dorian LPG Management Corp discussed with Mr Angelos Roupas Pantaleon about the human element in shipping, from the perspective of the younger generation. Mr Hadjipateras noted that over the past three years, the human element has come even more to the foreground. The ship is the floating business of the company and it is essential to instill a sense of ownership. This is achieved through crew loyalty, training and managing structure. One of the most recent challenges they had to face was the co-existence of Russians and Ukrainians on board a vessel. Technology and the human element are bridged together and help improve efficiency. As for shipping cycles, they use time charters, while hedging portfolios, monitoring the market and reacting accordingly. Managing in-house is rewarding while getting hands-on experience is necessary.


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