Τετάρτη , 9 Οκτώβριος 2024
Home Uncategorized Deeptech S3E Call #1 for Scale-Ups/SMEs: Info session on April 26th!

Deeptech S3E Call #1 for Scale-Ups/SMEs: Info session on April 26th!

The EPLO Institute for Sustainable Development is a partner in the S3E – The Engine for South European Deep Tech, an exclusive acceleration program funded by the European Commission to improve the connectedness and efficiency of the entrepreneurship ecosystems in South European countries.

Are you a researcher, start-up, scale-up or SME from a southern European country?Do you have a deep tech idea and want to bridge the gap from lab to market?

At S3E, we selected 15 industry challenges and we are calling startups, scaleups and SMEs from South European countries to provide deep tech solutions and take part in our Brokerage Program!

Check our challenges and submit your deep tech solution!

If you want to learn more for the call you can join our info session on April 26th!

SEE IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE AND APPLY: https://south3e.eu/apply-now/

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