Σάββατο , 7 Δεκέμβριος 2024
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ “SEANERGY Scholarship”

“SEANERGY Scholarship”

Alba and Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp. remain committed to supporting young and driven graduate students passionate about the maritime industry and offer once again the “SEANERGY Scholarship” (full-scholarship) to a deserving candidate for the MSc in Shipping Management program.
Mr. Stamatis Tsantanis, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of SEANERGY Maritime, stated: “We at Seanergy, strongly believe in the continuous development of the new generation of shipping professionals, and we invest accordingly. In this context, we take actions to support the educational and employment success of young professionals that are eager to be leaders in the next generation of shipping.”
To learn more about the application criteria: https://lnkd.in/gXVTdK3E
Application Deadline is on: 30/06/2023

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