Τετάρτη , 19 Φεβρουάριος 2025
Home AGENDA 9th Ship it Conference

9th Ship it Conference

Save the date: Thursday 21.09.2023 | PLOES, Paleo Faliro

The shipping industry faces a huge amount of challenges; the quest for digitalization, decarbonization and the impact of disruptive technologies, our vulnerabilities to cyberattacks

The 9th ShipIT Conference will be part of the movement bridging technology into innovative feasible solutions through hands-on knowledge from our elite of speakers. Organized by Boussias Events and AMMITEC is recognized as the leading platform in Greece for the maritime industry to interact, hear the latest insights, source new products and services as well as explore business opportunities.

*Personnel from Maritime Companies are free of charge

EARLY BIRD -15% Until Friday 1st September 2023

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Speaking Opportunities: If you feel you could make a significant contribution to the program as a speaker and wish to present, please email Konstantinos Mantzios at k_mantz@otenet.gr


Sponsorship Options: Maximize your company’s participation and profile at the event and discuss your sponsorship package today!

Thursday 21.09.2023 | PLOES, Paleo Faliro

Want to see the latest trends in Maritime Digital Transformation & Cyber Security?

ShipIT Conference 2023 is a one-day strategic conference organized by BOUSSIAS Εvents and the Association of Maritime Managers in Information Technology and Communication / A.M.M.I.TE.C, under the auspices of the Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology / E.L.I.N.T. It is addressed to the maritime, shipping, ocean freight and port industry, and analyzes the impact of the Digitalization on the Maritime’s operations, decarbonization as well as business performance.

The conference is creating a unique knowledge exchange and networking platform for the maritime and port industry, where senior business and OT, ICT, Environmental & Performance executives meet, discuss and evaluate how critical is a Robust Digital Strategy to the Shipping Companies as well as to Port Operations.

Nowadays the digitalization of the global fleet could play an essential role in the broader journey to decarbonization. Advances in connectivity, visualization, artificial intelligence, machine learning, vessel digital twins and simulations have the potential to improve efficiency and reduce costs throughout a maritime asset’s lifecycle. Moreover, digital tools are increasing operational efficiencies, thereby helping to decrease the consumption of fossil fuels, while also reducing the number of port visits for maintenance and repairs.

Digitalisation is at the centre of shipping’s efforts to meet its decarbonisation goals. With this rapidly evolving digital landscape, connectivity isn’t only about doing more. It is about utilising digital products for smarter workflow, seamless communications, and sustainable environment-friendly processes. Digital connectivity is driving change across the maritime industry and ships can rely on their connectivity to collect data, analyse vessel performance, and monitor compliance with environmental regulations across the globe.

Last but not least, in an industry increasingly reliant on automation and remote monitoring, the need for robust Cyber Risk Management of critical systems and assets on ships as well as on ports has never been more acute.

Read more https://www.shipit.gr/

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