Σάββατο , 7 Δεκέμβριος 2024
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ Semiramis Paliou(Diana Shipping Inc) received an award in the First Annual Hellenic-American Shipping Gala awards

Semiramis Paliou(Diana Shipping Inc) received an award in the First Annual Hellenic-American Shipping Gala awards

Diana Shipping Inc. has been recognized for its strong presence in the US capital markets. We are honored to join 26 other prestigious shipping companies of Greek interests listed on US Capital Markets in receiving this recognition. Our CEO, Semiramis Paliou received the award in this First Annual Hellenic-American Shipping Gala awards that was hosted by the International Propeller Club of the United States, Port of Piraeus, in cooperation with the United States Embassy in Athens.

Congratulations to the International Propeller Club Port of Piraeus and the United States Embassy in Athens for this remarkable event. We are proud to be part of an event celebrating the strong friendship and cooperation between Greece and the United States in the field of shipping.
#DSX #NYSE #GreekAmericanSynergy #ShippingIndustry

Photo Semirimis Paliou,  John Tsounis, Costis Frangoulis.


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