We would like to thank all of you for your attendance at the event “Human Factors: A practical approach for shipboard operations”, that was successfully held on June 28th at Piraeus Marine Club.
During the event, VANOS S.A. proudly introduced the new VNS 360° Solution, powered by Lemur Maritime, a cutting-edge system designed to enhance operations in the maritime sector.
Additionally, our esteemed experts Ms. Vasilopoulou Iliana – Sales Executive, Mr. Skalieris Nikos – General Manager, Mr. Kourounis Theofilos – Business Development Manager, Mr. Koursaris George – Head Of Service Operations – E-Navigation Dpt., Mr. Sismanidis John – Maritime Software Sales, as well as Mr. Sismanidis Kostas – Business Management Consultant of VANOS S.A., delved into a wide range of topics vital to the industry, including:
• work permits
• safe navigation
• competency
• training
• personal safety
• risk management and
• knowledge management
from an innovative human factors perspective, ultimately fostering a safer working environment.
It was a pleasure for us to have had the opportunity of meeting all of you in person, to exchange and express important business points pertaining to the maritime sector.
Από αρ. Κλαίρη Παπά Piraeus365.gr, Γιάννης Πολυχρονόπουλος, Ρένα Βασιλάκη, Μάνος Βασιλόπουλος
Από αρ. Μάνος Βασιλόπουλος Αντιπρόεδρος Vanos S.A. , Γιώργος Αλεξανδράτος Πρόεδρος Ναυτιλικής Λέσχης Πειραιά.