Πέμπτη , 5 Δεκέμβριος 2024
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ DYNAGAS LNG partners LP announces new time charters for the LNG carriers “Clean Energy” and “Arctic Aurora”

DYNAGAS LNG partners LP announces new time charters for the LNG carriers “Clean Energy” and “Arctic Aurora”

Dynagas LNG Partners LP, an owner and operator of liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) carriers, announced the following:

The Partnership entered into the following new time charter party agreements with Rio Grande LNG, LLC (“Rio Grande”), a subsidiary of NextDecade Corporation (NASDAQ: NEXT), adding approximately $270 million to its existing revenue backlog:

  • The 2007 built LNG carrier “Clean Energy” has been employed for a time charter period of about 2 years, commencing between March – May 2026 following the expiration of the existing Time Charter to SEFE Marketing & Trading.
  • The 2013 built LNG carrier “Arctic Aurora” has been employed for a time charter period of about 7 years, commencing between September – November 2026 following the expiration of the existing Time Charter to Equinor ASA.

Tony Lauritzen, Chief Executive Officer of Dynagas LNG Partners LP, commented: “We are very pleased to enter into these new agreements and providing shipping for NextDecade’s Final Investment Decision approved LNG export facility in Brownsville, Texas. We look forward to building on and developing our relationship with NextDecade for many years to come.”

Dynagas LNG Partners L.P. press release–

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