Πέμπτη , 23 Ιανουάριος 2025
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ VANOS S.A. presents the Fall Arrest System

VANOS S.A. presents the Fall Arrest System

Create safer environments with fall protection systems by Fall-Pac.
VANOS S.A. presents the Fall Arrest System, a cutting-edge solution designed and manufactured in the UK to protect workers at risk of injury from heights.
 Lightweight and Portable – just 6 Kg each, easy to transport
 Quick and easy Installation
 Adjustable Protection: Ideal for areas with limited space, optimal protection for heights up to 2.7 meters per layer.
 Expandable Capability: Double up units to create an elevated surface.
 UV resistant & Fire-retardant
 5 years working life
 To learn more about Fall-Pac’s Fall Arrest solutions, reach out to our experienced team at safety@vanos.gr

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