Τετάρτη , 9 Οκτώβριος 2024
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ What are the urgent actions with the EU ETS now in force?

What are the urgent actions with the EU ETS now in force?

What are the urgent actions with the EU ETS now in force? Get your answers in our latest Maritime Impact podcast episode! https://dnv.social/4Ny

Final decisions from the EU on legal responsibility now mean that registered owners must be sure to avoid sanctions, while the clock is already ticking on applications for a Maritime Operator Holding Account. These decisions and tasks have practical implications, and there have been additional changes to the MRV regulations driven by the ETS, which must be understood.

In our latest Maritime Impact podcast episode, host Eirik Nyhus, Director Environment at DNV, recaps the key decisions made at the end of 2023 and highlights the urgent actions shipowners must now take.

Find out all the details on #maritimeimpact.. https://dnv.social/4Ny. The podcast is also available on Apple https://dnv.social/4Nz and Spotify https://dnv.social/4NA

#EUETS #maritime #MRV

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