Πέμπτη 20 Ιουνίου 2024, και ώρα 19:00. στη λέσχη Αρχιπλοιάρχων Πειραιά θα πραγματοποιηθεί ομιλία – σεμινάριο, με θέμα: Pioneering Maritime Healthcare with Data-Dri-ven Innovation.
Ομιλητές: Dr Laura Benzonana – Health4-Crew CEO & Dr Ilias Kolovos Fleet Medical Ad-visor. Health4-Crew aims to fill the critical gap in maritime healthcare, whe-re unfit embarkations coupled with substandard heal-th services result in loss of life and substantial industry costs. By serving shipping companies, our focus is on enhancing seafarer health, reducing preventable medical incidents and costs.