Τρίτη , 18 Φεβρουάριος 2025


Diana Shipping anounces the Sale of the Post-Panamax Dry Bulk Vessel-m/v Alcmene

Diana Shipping Inc. Announces the Sale of a Post-Panamax Dry Bulk Vessel, the m/v Alcmene, and the Direct Continuation of Time Charter Contract for m/v San Francisco with SwissMarine...

Bulk Carriers: Προτεραιότητες & προκλήσεις για τις εταιρείες διαχείρισης

Η επιμορφωτική συνάντηση της Isalos.net θα διεξαχθεί στο πλαίσιο της θεματικής έκθεσης «Τα Bulk Carriers των Ελλήνων» (10/2/2025-7/3/2025) By Isalos.net Tuesday, February 18 ·...

Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Direct Continuation of Time Charter Contract for m/v Semirio with Solebay and for m/v DSI Aquila with Western Bulk

Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE: DSX), (the “Company”), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership and bareboat charter-in of dry bulk vessels, today...

Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Time Charter Contract for m/v New York with SwissMarine

Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE: DSX), (the “Company”), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership and bareboat charter-in of dry bulk vessels, today...

Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Final Results of Self Tender Offer for Shares of Common Stock

Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE: DSX) (the “Company”), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership and bareboat charter-in of dry bulk vessels, today...

Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Direct Continuation of Time Charter Contract for m/v Amphitrite

 Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE: DSX), (the “Company”), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership and bareboat charter-in of dry bulk vessels, today...

Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Time Charter Contract for m/v Myrto with NYK

Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE: DSX), (the “Company”), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership and bareboat charter-in of dry bulk vessels, today...

Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Time Charter Contract for m/v Maera

Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE: DSX), (the “Company”), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership and bareboat charter-in of dry bulk vessels, today...

WISTA Hellas Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony

A Night to Remember at the WISTA Hellas Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony Last evening, the WISTA Hellas Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony...

Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Time Charter Contract for m/v Maia with Paralos Shipping

Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Time Charter Contract for m/v Maia with Paralos Shipping ATHENS, GREECE, December 5, 2024 – Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE:...