Δευτέρα , 7 Οκτώβριος 2024
Home SLIDER BLACK ROPE: ISO Certification announcement

BLACK ROPE: ISO Certification announcement


Black Rope is now ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Certified


We are proud to announce that after hard and determined work, Black Rope has been awarded with ✔ ISO 9001:2015 & ✔ ISO 14001:2015 accreditations for the Supply of Marine Mooring Equipment and Provision of Services.

In order to achieve these prestigious certifications, we developed our in-house Quality Management System and Sustainability Policy, which underwent rigorous assessment and audit with absolute success and zero non-conformances.

Our driving force behind this development is the constant commitment to provide mooring ropes & equipment of the highest quality to our customers, safeguarding their best interest in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.

Last but not least, we want to thank every member of Black Rope family. Success is the child of team-effort and each step we take towards conquering our mountaintops is dedicated to them.

Quality & Environmental Policy


Reed more:https://blackrope.gr/


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