Τετάρτη , 18 Σεπτέμβριος 2024


2024 GREEN4SEA Virtual Awards Ceremony due on May the 9th!

In SAFETY4SEA‘s commitment to Environmental Excellence & Sustainable Shipping, we are pleased to announce the annual GREEN4SEA Virtual Awards for ninth consecutive year. On May the 9th, SAFETY4SEA will make public the 8 winners across 8 green categories. The process to be employed is a combination of open nomination and vote from audience and the industry panel of experts while the presentation will take place at a dedicated special virtual event on Thursday, 9th of May 2024.

The award categories are:

GREEN4SEA Sustainability Award
To be awarded to an organization that promoted an ESG agenda and contributed towards sustainable shipping

The shortlisted nominees are:

  • Columbia Shipmanagement (CSM), for committing to social responsibility
  • RightShip, for its new GHG Rating
  • Seaspan Corporation, for its ESG Program
  • UCL Energy Institute, for leading research on maritime decarbonization
  • V. Group, for its research on alternative fuels


GREEN4SEA Clean Shipping Award
To be awarded to an organization that contributed towards cleaner shipping

The shortlisted nominees are:

  • Blue Sky Maritime Coalition, for its publication titled ‘Roadmap to Net-Zero Emissions’
  • Greensea IQ, for its EverClean technology
  • LR Maritime Decarbonisation Hub, for accelerating maritime decarbonization through partnerships and expertise
  • Port of Rotterdam, for its proactive efforts in preparing for the green transition
  • Yara Marine Technologies, for its broad portfolio of green shipping technologies

see more: https://events.safety4sea.com/

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