Παρασκευή , 6 Δεκέμβριος 2024
Home ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Angelicoussis Group remarkable success at the Posidonia Cup!

Angelicoussis Group remarkable success at the Posidonia Cup!

We are excited to share that the Angelicoussis Group has achieved remarkable success at the Posidonia Cup! Despite the damage our boat, Sugar, suffered during the race, our sailing team proudly achieved 3rd place in its rank and 7th place overall!  Dedication, teamwork, and commitment to maritime excellence are at the heart of sailing, and our team has exemplified these values.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved. Your passion and determination have been outstanding!

#AngelicoussisGroup #MaranDry #MaranTankers #MaranGas #PosidoniaCup2024 #Posidonia2024



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