Σάββατο , 7 Δεκέμβριος 2024
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ Liberian Registry appoints passenger ship expert

Liberian Registry appoints passenger ship expert

-as New Vice President of Regulations and Standards

We are proud to welcome our new Vice President of Regulations and Standards, Maritime Operations, Capt. Giorgio De Sciora to the team! With over 30 years of industry experience and expertise, Giorgio will be instrumental in leading the expansion of Liberia’s Passenger Ship program, by strengthening the relations with our clients, navigating the Registry through this niche regulatory environment and guiding the technical team to provide support that exceeds the standard set by the challenging regulatory in this demanding sector.
LISCR’s Chief Executive Officer, Alfonso Castillero, states, “It is extremely important to us that we continue to bring in the best talent in the industry. By hiring individuals like Giorgio, we open the registry to unique perspectives and opportunities to expand its market share using a holistic approach, from the commercial aspects to the regulatory requirements.”

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