Κυριακή , 9 Φεβρουάριος 2025
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ VANOS RND attended the Innovation Accelerator@Demokritos Launch Event

VANOS RND attended the Innovation Accelerator@Demokritos Launch Event

On January 16th, VANOS-RND had the privilege of attending the official launch of the Innovation Accelerator@Demokritos, the first Greek Dual-Use Technologies Accelerator. Organized by the National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”​ and supported by Hellenic Centre for Defence Innovation S.A. as well as NATO DIANA, this event marked a significant milestone in advancing Greece’s technological and defense sectors.
The event featured a series of informative presentations by experts in defense, research and innovation, who shared their knowledge on emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities. Discussions highlighted the critical importance of collaboration between public and private sectors in driving technological advancements that can both enhance national security and foster global competitiveness.
At the heart of this new initiative are groundbreaking research projects that focus on advancing innovations with tangible applications in both defense and civilian sectors. By aligning research efforts with the needs of both industries, these projects promise to enhance Europe’s and Greece’s strategic position and global competitiveness.
We’re proud to be part of this exciting new chapter in Greece’s technological journey and are eager to continue engaging with key players to drive forward these ambitious goals.


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