Δευτέρα , 7 Οκτώβριος 2024
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ Latsco Marine Management thriled to be working in the novel DYNAPORT

Latsco Marine Management thriled to be working in the novel DYNAPORT

We are thrilled to be working in the novel DYNAPORT project under Horizon Program, along with SINTEF OceanKONGSBERGNAVTORSpace NorwayHamburg University of Technology and many other international organizations.

The goal of DYNAPORT is to develop new optimization and coordination tools for ports and vessels, that both reduce the ship’s fuel consumption and increase port efficiency. Efficient and viable voyage and port call optimization can significantly contribute to fuel-saving and requires increased cooperation between different stakeholders and overcoming several important barriers.

Our participation in DYNAPORT project is aligned with our company’s commitment to innovation, energy optimisation and a step forward the decarbonisation pathway of the maritime industry!

#latscoshipping #collaboration #shippingsolutions #pioneering #voyageoptimisation #decarbonisation #Horizon2020

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