Πέμπτη , 16 Ιανουάριος 2025
Home AGENDA Navigating Excellence The Norwegian – Greek Maritime Innovation Summit

Navigating Excellence The Norwegian – Greek Maritime Innovation Summit

An event organized by ORIANI, to bring together esteemed Norwegian experts from the maritime industry to share insights, discuss innovative practices, and explore emerging trends with Greek professionals.

Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants Greece 2014-2021, in the frame of the Innovation, Business Development and SMEs programme.

Mission & Plan

The intention is to introduce Norwegian and Icelandic innovative solutions to the Greek maritime industry and propose new ways to increase competitiveness.

The event will showcase how the skills developed and adopted in other digitally advanced parts of the maritime industry, have been put to use and actually delivered results. The main sections of the conference are: Greener ShippingData Crew/Safety.

REGISTER HERE: https://lnkd.in/dfH828mw , to attend #NavigatingExcellence – The Norwegian-Greek Maritime Innovation Summit. Fifth Panel Discussion: “Crew Health & Safety” where Øystein Bondal, CEO of Dimeq, will present how Dimeq’s comprehensive approach is fostering a culture of safety at sea. The discussion will explore the essence of maritime safety, revealing solutions designed to protect crews and allow for new IoT solutions onboard ships with limited cabling.
Dimeq is paving the way for new HSE-standards in the maritime sector. It is your trusted provider of innovative maritime safety systems.
#maritimesafety #crewsafety #safetyatsea #seafarers #crewtraining #norway #greece #iceland #greekshipping #shipping #maritimeinnovation #maritimesummit

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