Πέμπτη , 3 Οκτώβριος 2024
Home Uncategorized DIANIK BROSS SHIPPING CORPORATION SA: M/V AG. NEKTARIOS completed successfully her drydock at Cosco Dalian

DIANIK BROSS SHIPPING CORPORATION SA: M/V AG. NEKTARIOS completed successfully her drydock at Cosco Dalian


We are happy to announce that M/V AG. NEKTARIOS completed successfully her drydock at Cosco Dalian.
The vessel has been upgraded to the highest level of environmental and operational standards.
Once again, we thank our crew and the team of the shipyard for their hard work and dedication.


Dianik Bross Shipping Corporation S.A. (“Dianik”) is an international provider of marine drybulk transportation services, transporting bulk cargoes, such as grain, urea, steels, iron ore, coal, petcoke, scrap, clinker, etc. The Company commenced operations in 2007 and has established a solid reputation ever since. Since inception, Dianik has had under its management over 17 vessels. The Company currently manages and operates 3 bulkers with size ranging from 53,000 mts dwt to 75,000 mts dwt as listed herein under the section “Fleet.” Managed vessels perform worldwide trading excluding sanctioned areas.

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