Σάββατο , 25 Ιανουάριος 2025
Home SLIDER VANOS: Important Announcement!

VANOS: Important Announcement!

We want to inform you about the IMO Publishing Group’s new platform which is set to go live, and their upcoming business plan for purchasing and assigning new eBooks, both entering into force as of the 1st of July 2024.

Initially, on the 21st of March 2024, we received an email informing us of their decision to move into a new eBook subscription platform that was scheduled to go live this summer. Following this email, distributor companies worldwide were kept in radio silence until a webinar that took place on the 13th of June, on which we were advised that authorised distributors would no longer be able to provide vessels with standalone eBooks directly through the IMO. The only available option, at this moment, for distributors is for a subscription-based model. Additionally, end users will no longer be able to use the currently provided online bookshelf to view their publications but a new site will be released by the IMO Publishing Group.

The IMO Publishing Group has scheduled these changes to go live by the 1st of July 2024, something that we were also informed about on the webinar that took place on the 13th of June.

Our company, Vanos S.A. is already in contact with the IMO’s Publishing Group proposing and evaluating workarounds to ensure the shipping industry’s smooth operation and security both onboard and ashore.

Rest assured that we do understand your concerns about this change and the impractical time frame which was given, and we know that this turn of events will affect all distributors and end users, but we can assure you that we are working hard to rectify this issue and find the best suitable solutions.

For any further information, our team always remains at your disposal.

see more https://www.vanos.gr/

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