Πέμπτη , 5 Δεκέμβριος 2024
Home SLIDER VANOS S.A. introduces one of the most accurate marine radar series- the Japan Radio (JRC)-JMR-9200/7200

VANOS S.A. introduces one of the most accurate marine radar series- the Japan Radio (JRC)-JMR-9200/7200

MED-certified as the world’s first compact, lightweight 8-ft scanner with solid-state technology, the innovative JRC- JMR-9200/7200 Marine Radar is equipped with groundbreaking features that deliver efficient and reliable results through advanced processing, including:

Pop-up Target Data

Dual PPI Display

High-Speed Rotation

Enhanced Target Detection


TEF (Target Enhancement Function)

Doppler Filter

Built-In Performance Monitor

Explore our cutting-edge solutions by contacting us at sales@vanos.gr

#VANOS #JRC #MarineRadar #Radar #Maritime


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