Τρίτη , 12 Νοέμβριος 2024
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ RINA The route towards the net zero target by 20250

RINA The route towards the net zero target by 20250

The spirit of the IMO’s strategy is to embark as soon as possible on a path of continuous reduction in GHG emissions. To meet the ultimate target of net-zero emissions by 2050, we will inevitably need a zero-carbon solution – whether in the form of alternative fuels or carbon capture and storage (CCUS).

However, that time may still be years away, possibly even 15 years from now. In the meantime, no one has a crystal ball to predict what new solutions may emerge. It is not surprising, then, that shipowners find it very challenging, if not impossible, to commit to a specific fuel choice today.

What is truly needed at this moment is flexibility – vessels must be adaptable to a future that will undoubtedly evolve. At RINA, we have developed a concept that centers on fuel flexibility, enabling ships to adjust as the world changes.

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