INTERCARGO attended the recent @IMO MEPC 81 meeting on key environmental measures in relation to the #shippingindustry.
The IMO adopted amendments to the #Ballast Water Management Convention regarding the use of electronic record books, with an entry into force of 1 October 2025, as well as interim guidance on the application of the BWM Convention.
INTERCARGO welcomes this development which provides much-needed guidance for ships operating in ports with challenging water quality.
INTERCARGO welcomes the IMO’s decision to report the outcome of MEPC 81 regarding the interplay between the Hong Kong and Basel Conventions on #shiprecycling to the Basel Convention Secretariat. It is a positive move for the IMO to initiate these discussions and for the IMO Secretariat to develop draft guidance on this matter, in consultation with the Basel Convention Secretariat, for consideration at MEPC 82.
Regarding a #GHG pricing mechanism and our Association’s views please see
INTERCARGO also intervened regarding the Carbon Intensity Index (CII) stating that there are areas of improvement needed to ensure a fair and level playing field for all shipping segments. Our relevant papers submissions can be viewed at
#shipping #regulation #decarbonisation #trade #drycargo #ballastwatermanagement #environment #imo #mepc