Τρίτη , 3 Δεκέμβριος 2024
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ WISTA HELLAS participate at the Conference: “Empowering Generation Z: Blue Economy and Ocean-related careers”

WISTA HELLAS participate at the Conference: “Empowering Generation Z: Blue Economy and Ocean-related careers”

On Monday, April 15th, Akrivi Brikou, Vice President of WISTA Hellas, participated on a panel titled: “Maritime Policy: Priorities & Challenges for a viable Blue regulatory framework”, at the Conference organized by Isalos.net, themed “Empowering Generation Z: Blue Economy and Ocean-related careers” under the auspices of the Our Ocean Conference and the Our Ocean Youth Leadership Summit

The conference aimed to educate the next generation about the challenges the maritime industry faces, both now and in the future, the technological advancements reshaping its landscape, and the opportunities emerging on the path towards a Blue Economy ⚓

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