Πέμπτη , 5 Δεκέμβριος 2024


A unique event bringing together stakeholders and experts in the shipping industry to discuss the challenges, hot issues and initiatives towards crew welfare onboard



In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift within the maritime industry towards recognizing the critical importance of prioritizing the health and well-being of seafarers. This acknowledgment has spurred numerous concerted efforts aimed at addressing all facets of wellness to enhance the quality of life for those employed at sea. The focus on maintaining good health, encompassing the adoption of active lifestyles for people onboard and ashore, has evolved from being a mere trend to an indispensable necessity.


The ongoing process of decarbonization may introduce new pressures on crew members and pose challenges for shipping companies, ports, and governments. However, it also presents an opportunity for personal development among those working at sea, provided they are willing to invest in themselves. The transition to a green economy will unlock fresh opportunities both onboard and ashore, necessitating readiness for what might be the most significant change in the maritime workforce’s entire career trajectory.


With these considerations in mind, we are delighted to announce the 4th edition of Crew Welfare Week – an industry initiative designed to acknowledge the pivotal role of seafarers in shipping during this era of green transition and technological revolution.


Throughout the third week of June, leading experts will share their insights through various panel discussions, while themed presentations will delve into a wide array of issues confronting the maritime industry that are crucial to reshaping shipping into an appealing sector. Placing seafarers at the core of its operations, the shipping industry is actively working to acquaint its workforce with the latest updates, thereby progressing towards a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment.


We invite you to join us to partake in enlightening panel discussions and discover the excitement inherent in the shipping industry!



Apo Belokas

Managing Editor, SAFETY4SEA

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