Τρίτη , 8 Οκτώβριος 2024
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ Vote the WHITE Proxy Card “FOR” Seanergy’s Highly Qualified Director Nominees Today

Vote the WHITE Proxy Card “FOR” Seanergy’s Highly Qualified Director Nominees Today

Seanergy shareholders: our annual meeting is coming up and we need your vote on the WHITE proxy card.

The Seanergy Board of Directors and management team are committed to delivering value for all Seanergy shareholders. Over the past few years, we have strategically evolved Seanergy into a leading pure-play, growth-oriented Capesize operator that is attractively positioned to capitalize on favorable trends in the Capesize market. As a result of our strategy, we are poised to continue delivering leading, sustainable, shareholder returns through the cycle.

Unfortunately, we also believe that our progress and the value of your investment is at risk. George Economou – a shipowner and a competitor of Seanergy – has brought litigation and launched a proxy fight against Seanergy seeking to gain effective control over the Company’s Board and our corporate strategy.

Economou brings a record of self-dealing, shareholder value destruction and poor corporate stewardship at the expense of other shareholders. If he were to be successful in his campaign at Seanergy, our Board believes he would apply the same self-serving approach to Seanergy’s business dealings and negatively impact the value of your investment.

Our Board strongly recommends that shareholders reject Economou’s nominees, his proposals and his self-interested takeover attempt.

Every vote counts. You can protect your Seanergy investment by voting on the WHITE proxy card “FOR” Seanergy’s director nominees and “AGAINST” Economou’s proposals.

Learn more at www.voteseanergy.com

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