Σάββατο , 15 Φεβρουάριος 2025
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ Benemar S.A. Marine Technical Bureau Introduce the Strategic Partnership with VANOS S.A.

Benemar S.A. Marine Technical Bureau Introduce the Strategic Partnership with VANOS S.A.

Benemar S.A. Marine Technical Bureau declares:


Introducing Our Strategic Partnership with VANOS S.A.

Combining Expertise to Offer Worldwide High Added Value Services & Technical Support

A New Wave of Maritime Solutions: The Power of Partnership.

We are excited to announce a groundbreaking partnership between Benemar S.A. Marine Technical Bureau and VANOS joining forces to bring you unparalleled value in maritime solutions.

With this partnership, we unite our expertise to deliver world-class services and technical support, ensuring operational excellence onboard and ashore. Together, we are dedicated to meeting your unique needs, enhancing safety, reliability, and performance in every aspect of maritime operations.

Stay tuned for the innovations this partnership will bring as we continue to redefine the future of maritime excellence.

👉 bit.ly/4aoxDEG

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