Σάββατο , 21 Σεπτέμβριος 2024
Home ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ Hellenic Hull and IUMI participated at the Delphi Economic Forum

Hellenic Hull and IUMI participated at the Delphi Economic Forum

Hellenic Hull and International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) joined forces to present two captivating panel discussions at the Delphi Economic Forum. Featuring a lineup of 10 distinguished speakers:

🔹 “Uncharted Territories: Geopolitical Tensions and Hidden Risks in International Shipping” Speakers: Mr. Frédéric DENEFLE, Mr. Neil Roberts, Dr. Dominick Donald, Mr. Ilias Tsakiris, moderated by Mr. Nigel Lowry.

🔹 “Maritime Education: Empowering the Future of Sustainable Shipping” Speakers: Dr. Nikos C. Papapostolou , Mr. Ilias Tsakiris, Mr. John Xylas, Dr. Maria Lekakou, Dr. Ioannis Theotokas, moderated by Dr. George Theocharidis.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the organizing committee of the Delphi Economic Forum: Yiannis ThomatosAnta Paparapti. Stay tuned updates!

#shipping #DelphiEconomicForum #marine-insurance #DelphiForum #IUMI #education


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