Euroseas Ltd. (NASDAQ: ESEA) & Containers Update & Outlook presentation – part of Capital Link Presentation Series
Company Management Speakers:
• Mr. Aristides Pittas, Chairman & CEO
• Dr. Anastasios Aslidis, Treasurer & CFO
About ESEA
Euroseas Ltd. was formed on May 5, 2005 under the laws of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to consolidate the ship owning interests of the Pittas family of Athens, Greece, which has been in the shipping business over the past 140 years. Euroseas operates in the container shipping market.
Euroseas’ operations are managed by Eurobulk Ltd., an ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certified affiliated ship management company, which is responsible for the day-to-day commercial and technical management and operations of the vessels. Euroseas employs its vessels on spot and period charters and through pool arrangements.
The Company has a fleet of 19 vessels, including 12 Feeder containerships and 7 Intermediate containerships. Euroseas 19 containerships have a cargo capacity of 58,861 teu. After the delivery of seven feeder containership newbuildings in 2024, Euroseas’ fleet will consist of 26 vessels with a total carrying capacity of 75,461 teu.
Euroseas shares trade on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the symbol “ESEA”
For more information about Euroseas Ltd., please visit
About Series
Capital Link Company Presentation Series features Senior Management of publicly listed maritime companies will present their business and strategy, overall development and outlook to a wider investor audience.
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