Τρίτη , 18 Φεβρουάριος 2025
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DNV: Αναβαθμίστηκαν οι Χιωτόπουλος-Τεριακίδης στην ιεραρχία του νορβηγικού νηογνώμονα

Αποδεικνύουν ότι η τεχνογνωσία των Ελλήνων στη ναυτιλία παραμένει πρωτοπόρος-Ποιες θέσεις καταλαμβάνουν οι δύο Έλληνες τεχνοκράτες   Του Μηνά Τσαμόπουλου Ένα από τα...

DNV updates Emissions Connect to help industry mitigate FuelEU Maritime challenges and risks

Are you ready for 1st January 2025? Time is running out to prepare for the implementation of FuelEU Maritime, which sets limits on...

DNV’s new global report – Maritime Cyber Priority 2024/25: Managing cyber risk to enable innovation

As shipping continues to embrace digitalization, DNV’s new global report – Maritime Cyber Priority 2024/25: Managing cyber risk to enable innovation  – shows...

EMSA proposes a multi-front approach for alternative fuel training

DNV was pleased to support the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) in the development of a new study into the identification of specific...

DNV: Trust in sustainability

In episode 12 of DNV’s Trust and Transformations – Leaders Navigating Change podcast, we sit down with Luca Ruini, Health, Safety, Environment &...

DNV -Emissions performance is a crucial business factor

Managing the comercial dimensions of fuel EU Maritime With the FuelEU Maritime regulation being implemented in 2025, well-to-wake greenhouse gas emissions are stepping...

DNV:On-board carbon capture and storage equipment feasibility study

A joint study by TMS Tankers Ltd and DNV explored the feasibility of retrofitting a liquid-absorption-based carbon capture and storage system on a...

DNV: Raising the focus on cyber security for LNG carriers

Regulations impacting the cyber security of FSRUs are many and complex, but it could also be time for a heightened focus on cyber...

DNV awards first merchant vessel SILENT-E notation

As well as being the first Stena RoRo E-Flexer to use a battery, Marine Atlantic‘s new ferry, Ala’suinu, is the first ropax to...

DNV: Maximizing energy efficiency in the tanker segment

What are the energy efficiency options for different tanker types? Large crude oil, shuttle and multi-cargo tankers differ significantly in terms of efficiency...